Power of Unlearning, a Street Photographers guide

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Ever heard the saying, “If your glass is full, you can’t pour in more”? Well, you wouldn’t have cause I just wrote it. In the world of photography, that glass is your mind. Now, I’m not suggesting you pour out all your hard-earned knowledge, but sometimes, you gotta create some space for the new, the unexplored, and the downright unexpected. Think of it as a mental detox for your artistry.

I am ready to take you on a little journey through the tangled alleyways of photography wisdom. So get ready because we are going to dive into the importance of unlearning in our quest for capturing the soul of the streets.

If I am honest, I’ve been there, done that. I’ve often clung to my trusted ways, wrapped myself in the cozy blanket of familiarity, only to find my work stagnating like the butter chicken from last week. It wasn’t until I embraced the chaos of unlearning that my lens started to see beyond the ordinary.

Men sitting on the streets people walking at the back
@ Rohit Vohra

Why would you want to Unlearn?

Now picture this: You are walking through the streets of Delhi, surrounded by chaos. You’ve got your camera, your go-to settings (F11, ISO 800, speed 1/500 and focus set to 2 feet for me) and the mindset that served you well last time. But guess what? The streets are alive, they’re not repeating yesterday’s script. Unlearning is like hitting the reset button, wiping the slate clean so you can rediscover the raw, untamed beauty of the streets.

A man sitting and a man walking past him
@ Rohit Vohra

Comfort Zones Are Overrated

We all have our comfort zones. Mine used to be the security of a layered image, a fleeting composition or a preferred editing style. It’s like wearing the same pair of nike’s every day. Sure, that works, but where’s the fun in that? Note to self, keep buying more sneakers.

Unlearning is about kicking those worn-out shoes to the curb. It’s trading the safety of predictability for the thrill of experimentation. In street photography, the real magic happens when you step outside the comfort zone and dance with uncertainty.

Men getting a shave by the side of the road
@ Rohit Vohra

Shedding Baggage, Adding Perspective

Imagine your mind is a camera bag. Now, take a peek inside. Are you lugging around preconceptions, biases, and a truckload of ‘shoulds’?Time for a mental spring cleaning! Unlearning is shedding the baggage that clouds your perspective. It’s about questioning assumptions, ditching the ‘rules,’ and letting the streets guide you. I would say for me my best shots have often come when I am open to seeing things with fresh eyes, unburdened by the weight of what I think I know.

a camel in front, a girl on a tight rope at back
@ Rohit Vohra

Evolution Starts with a Blank Canvas

Every great artist started with a blank canvas. Unlearning is the equivalent of wiping that canvas clean, ready to embrace the unpredictable strokes of creativity. It’s not erasing your skills but making room for evolution.

Unlearning which is often misunderstood is not about forgetting; it’s about making space for growth.

reflection of a man in the mirror on the street
@ Rohit Vohra

Learn the Art of Letting Go

Let’s stop and talk about the ‘delete’ button for a minute—no, not the one on your camera. Unlearning involves letting go of preconceived notions, your past successes, and also the fear of failure. Street photography is like music, and sometimes, you’ve got to let the rhythm of the streets guide your steps.

I used to cling to images that had garnered praise in the past. But here’s the truth: clinging to old victories is like trying to dance the tango with lead shoes. Unlearning is the graceful art of letting go, allowing yourself to stumble and find new, uncharted moves. Well that reminds me I am still not too old to learn dancing.

a group of men wrestling
@ Rohit Vohra

Break the Mold, Make Some Noise

Street photography isn’t a silent sonnet (A sonnet is a 14-line poem that explores a single idea or issue); it’s a symphony of chaos, colors, and candid moments. Unlearning is about breaking the mold, turning up the volume, and embracing life.

So, what if your favorite street photography blog said ‘never shoot in harsh sunlight’? Embrace the shadows and dance with the sunlight. Unlearning is about making noise, challenging norms, and creating your rhythm.

a man flying sea at the back
@ Rohit Vohra

Unlearn to Reconnect with Your Roots

Ever noticed how kids pick up a camera and shoot fearlessly? Somewhere along the way, we accumulate rules and lose that uninhibited spark. Unlearning is a journey back to your photographic roots. Reconnect with the joy of exploration, the thrill of not knowing what comes next. It’s about channeling the curiosity of a child with a newfound toy—your camera.

reflection of a man in the mirror
@ Rohit Vohra

In Conclusion: Rewriting the Street Photography Playbook

In the ever-evolving dance of street photography, unlearning is your secret weapon. It’s about rewriting the playbook, crumpling up the old rules, and tossing them into the wind. It’s an invitation to rediscover the streets, one unlearned step at a time.

So, friends, let’s unlearn together. Break free from the shackles of routine, accept the chaos, and share those untold stories. The streets are waiting, and so is the art of unlearning.

Here’s to seeing the world through fresh eyes.

reflection of people in a mirror in front of fruit baskets
@ Rohit Vohra

About the author Rohit Vohra

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